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O Thou still, small voice[1] Cf. 1 Kings 19:11-13. whose love is the heart of the universe, my whispering soul seeks the rhythm of Thy heartbeat, that in its reverberating concords it may find strength and serenity. | |
When I behold Thy heavens, O Lord, the glories of Thy creation, what am I that Thou shouldst hear my whispers, who am I that my murmuring should touch Thy spirit? Yet, I know that the light which fires the stars, the heat which warms the sun is the light of my beloved’s eyes, the warmth of his spirit’s embrace. | |
For Thou hast made man in Thine image And crowned him with Thy glory: –the glory of mind that perceives the wonders of the universe; –the glory of heart that hears Thy music in the wind and sees Thy smile in the rosebud; –the glory of spirit that speaks from soul to soul binding one to another with the sustaining rapture of love. | |
In all these ways have I felt the crowning glory of Thy presence, Lord, the loving touch of Thy hand, the tender voice of Thy concern. I know, then, that Thou art with me, now, as I entrust myself to the skill of those upon whom Thou hast bestowed Thy healing wisdom. Be Thou with them in their art, and guide their heads and hands that I may be restored in health and strength to continue Thy work– refracting into dim and harried lives the rays of Thy warming light. | |
Sustain the spirits of those who love me that they may have faith in Thy divine judgment, for it is their boundless love that strengthens my faith in Thee. | |
O God, who hast given us rain for our bodies and added rainbows for our souls, wheat for our sustenance and flowers for our spirit, and to the necessary embrace of breeding hast bestowed the fiery ecstasy of love, be gracious also unto us at this hour, beyond our deserving. | |
Into Thy hand I commit my spirit; For Thy salvation, I hope, O Lord. Amen. |
Rabbi Abraham Soltes’s “[Prayer] in Illness” is an undated prayer published in his collection of prayers, תפלה Invocation: A Sheaf Of Prayers (Bloch 1959). The earliest prayer in that collection dates to 1950 and we are confident this prayer can be dated between that year and the date of publication.

1 | Cf. 1 Kings 19:11-13. |

“[Prayer] in Illness, by Rabbi Avraham Samuel Soltes (ca. 1950s)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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